How do I...?
Call in for my sick child?
A parent or guardian should telephone the attendance office (832-3134) before 9:00 A.M. on the date of the absence. When returning to school, an excuse note from home is necessary and must be submitted to the AA teacher the day the student returns. Students with unauthorized absences will be addressed through
the School Attendance Program (SAP).
See the Student Planner for complete information on SAP and all Attendance Procedures
Move and/or Change Address or Change Telephone Number?
The attendance office or counselors should be notified in the event of a change in a student's address or telephone number as soon as possible.
Transfer to Another School?
As soon as it is evident that a transfer to another school is necessary, students must bring a written notice from home. The registrar's office will prepare the Request for Transfer Form. The student will then circulate this form to all teachers. Upon completion, the student will receive a release if all school obligations have been met.
Find out about other School Related Programs available to my Child?
Just ask! The student's teachers, counselors, or the school administrators will be happy to help direct you and your child to one of the many after school or Saturday School programs we have here at Kalakaua Middle School to help your child succeed.