Interested Incoming Freshmen Football Players

Aloha Future Governors,

Monday May 31, 2021 is the official date that all interested Football Players are allowed to start workouts/practice with the Farrington Football Program. Starting May 17th From 2:30-4:00pm we will be accepting completed forms to participate.  ALL FORMS NEED TO BE COMPLETE PRIOR TO PARTICIPATING


Required for Workouts:

-          Completed Physical Form

-          Completed Parent Permission Form

-          Completed Concussion Return to Play

All Forms can be obtained by visiting the link below


Protocols for Workouts

-          Masks are to be worn at all times

-          Check in with Athletic Trainers (Temperature Check)  and Complete Farrington Athletics Attendance & Health Monitoring Form DAILY BEFORE PARTICIPATING IN WORKOUTS

-          Practice social distancing at all times

-          Bring your own water

-          Workouts will be conducted in Pods ( 9 participants & 1 Coach)

Hand Sanitizers and Disinfectants will be provided